Saturday, 16 October 2010


'It is the difference between the raw, white and direct light of a midday sun beating down on all things equally, and the horizontal light of evening, firing the strange clouds with reflections . . . Does the setting sun of decadence deserve our contempt and anathema for being less simple in tone than the rising sun of morning?

Theophile Gautier

Tuesday, 12 October 2010


My new baby. £12 in an antique shop. Seems to be working. Loaded a black and white film, and just going to see what happens. I can't stop looking at it though, and carrying it around everywhere with me. It is such a cute little camera! Can't wait to see how these photos come out!

I need to stop buying and using film cameras. It's an expensive hobby.

Thursday, 7 October 2010


Normal service will resume shortly

yrs, Gareth.