Hey guys!
I've been absent from this blog for far too long. I really mean that. It's been a ridiculous amount of time. Since coming back to university this has become somewhat a secondary.... okay maybe tertiary concern (as it always threatens to). It is only in the last week that an internet connection has actually been established in my house! It's great. And means that unlike last year, I have no reason NOT to be blogging regularly.
In an attempt to make a final leap into student societies (almost too late), I ran for Nouse film editor with my friend Michael. Nouse, for those who don't know is the university's student run newspaper. So I'll also be writing regular film reviews and features. Oh, I also get my own web based blog on the site to review/rant about surreal, weird, underground films. I'm pretty damn excited about that. Anyway, all of my posts for Nouse will eventually be fed through here anyway, so as to make a secondary 'catalogue' of my writing!
p.s. my author page (with very little on it at the moment)
I've been absent from this blog for far too long. I really mean that. It's been a ridiculous amount of time. Since coming back to university this has become somewhat a secondary.... okay maybe tertiary concern (as it always threatens to). It is only in the last week that an internet connection has actually been established in my house! It's great. And means that unlike last year, I have no reason NOT to be blogging regularly.
In an attempt to make a final leap into student societies (almost too late), I ran for Nouse film editor with my friend Michael. Nouse, for those who don't know is the university's student run newspaper. So I'll also be writing regular film reviews and features. Oh, I also get my own web based blog on the site to review/rant about surreal, weird, underground films. I'm pretty damn excited about that. Anyway, all of my posts for Nouse will eventually be fed through here anyway, so as to make a secondary 'catalogue' of my writing!
p.s. my author page (with very little on it at the moment)
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